sobota 16. ledna 2021

Frázová slovesa LOOK INTO, LOOK UP


V tomto článku můžete zjistit, co znamenají frázová slovesa LOOK INTO a LOOK UP, a jak je použít v praxi. Potom si můžete udělat cvičení. 




search for and find in a dictionary


Investigate, to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime, etc. in order to solve it.

● I’d like to LOOK INTO this later. (Rád bych se tím ZABÝVAL později.)

● I promised to LOOK INTO the new law. (Slíbil jsem, že PROZKOUMÁM ten nový zákon.)

● Police are LOOKING INTO the disappearance of two people. (Policie PROŠETŘUJE zmizení 2 lidí.)

Search for and find in a book or list, if you look up information in a book, on a computer, etc., you try to find it there.

Can you LOOK the word UP in your dictionary? (Můžeš VYHLEDAT to slovo ve slovníku?)

● I will just LOOK UP the information online. (Já jenom VYHLEDÁM tu informaci na internetu.)

/zabývat se (čím); prozkoumat (problém, možnosti, atd.); prošetřit/

/vyhledat (něco ve slovníku, na seznamu, na počítači, na internetu, atd.)/

Už víte, jak použít frázová slovesa LOOK INTO a LOOK UP? Zkuste si vyplnit cvičení. Odpovědi si budete moci zkontrolovat na konci článku.


1. ____________ the words you don’t understand in the dictionary.

2. Carl Sagan has ____________ the way dolphins communicate with each other.

3. You obviously don’t understand the meaning of a „phrasal verb“. ____________ the meaning in your dictionary! So, ______ it ______!

4. The police are ____________ the matter.

5. I want you to ____________ this matter for me.

6. ____________the meaning of these foreign words. I don’t understand them.

7. There was a robbery at the bank, and the police are ____________ the matter.


Správné odpovědi k předchozímu cvičení

Určitě jste měli všechno správně. :-)

1. Look up the words you don’t understand in the dictionary.

2. Carl Sagan has looked into the way dolphins communicate with each other.

3. You obviously don’t understand the meaning of a „phrasal verb“. Look up the meaning in your dictionary! So, look it up!

4. The police are looking into the matter.

5. I want you to look into this matter for me.

6. Look up the meaning of these foreign words. I don’t understand them.

7. There was a robbery at the bank, and the police are looking into the matter.


 Foto: Pexels


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